Celebrating Six Years Married.

This past weekend we celebrated six years married! This past year held its own new challenges and memories, as I took on a career change which has definitely been an adjustment on multiple aspects for the both of us and our partnership.

We’ve been working and trying to learn how to cut back, which has mainly been financial, but has affected many different aspects of life. One biggie was no vacations this year, which hurts my soul, but honestly, it just wasn’t in the budget. It’s meant cutting back on gifts, general purchases, home projects, and going out to eat. It will mean a very lean Christmas, which in the grand scheme of things is and should be just a blimp in the radar.

Finances are a big topic, it’s stressful, and can definitely affect relationships in a negative way. Luckily, B and I have always been very transparent about money, our shortcomings, and our vices — and know when to speak up for help, accountability, or share when we’re feeling stressed and strained. I wish we had it all figured out by now, but it’s still a work in progress that we’re continuing to navigate together!

We were also tested in the “in sickness and in health” part of our vows this year — which I must admit was tough for me! After having a sinus/head cold, B ended up getting sick and then getting me sick again — so I feel like I’ve been sick the entire month of November, oh wait, I have been. That alone as been super frustrating, on top of dealing with my own sick-xiety that has been a struggle these last few years. It wasn’t pretty for a few days, but we came together and worked through it. ❤️

In these last few years, we’ve conquered transitioning to working from home 24/7 together, healthy lifestyle changes, and a major home renovation — so there is no doubt that we will conquer and overcome this current one. Looking forward to more sunnier days ahead, that are filled with laughter, hugs, travel, and everything in between.

P.S. If you’re following along, B knocked it out of the ballpark with his traditional 6-year wedding anniversary gift — it was a set of iron dice in a custom wooden box and a good plaque that said “To my Yahtzee partner for life” — LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!

Life Lately – July 2023

It’s been over 100 days since I left my full-time, salaried job of 6 years, and said goodbye to the corporate marketing world after 11 years. Why? I started my own company! It was also just time, and in the past nearly 4 months, I’ve never regretted what I “walked away” from… and I don’t think I will.

I think it was within the first 2 weeks after leaving that I didn’t have the insatiable urge to want to drink on a weeknight… or at all really. I remember it would be Monday and I would just be ready to have a drink to relax and erase a little bit of the hectic workday. The other thing I noticed almost immediately was that I wanted to get out of bed in the mornings. I used to wait until 10 minutes before the workday to crawl out of bed and try to look presentable (if I cared) to settle in for 8 hours sitting in front of my computer/phone. It was crazy to realize how I normalized these two things as just part of life, but truly, they were a product of being unhappy.

As I mentioned, I started a company — and finally took a leap of faith in myself, one that I’ve been talking about for a VERY long time… especially to those closest to me, and that was working for me. Brass & Bubbles is my home organization company that was born out of a lot of soul-searching, pinpointing what truly makes me happy and leaning into something I am good at; which is helping people get organized, declutter spaces and make them beautiful and functional again. While I continue to grow B&B, I’ve also picked up a part time job at a local spot, walk dogs, and freelance for social media. Sure, my income isn’t steady or reliable, but I’m learning to adjust, cut back, and ultimately realize that what I had wasn’t it.

I’m so lucky to have a supportive husband, parents, family, and friends (even when a few of them look slightly concerned) who have been rooting me on from the very beginning and ever since.

Here’s to following your dreams, and finding your true happy! 🥂

Six-Year Wedding Anniversary Gift Guide

It’s that time of the year again, (each year I’m trying to get it earlier for all those 2017 newlyweds out there 😘), the time to decide whether you’re going to go traditional, modern, or none of the above for your wedding anniversary gift, and of course sharing a gift guide for both! The traditional gift for year six is candy or iron and the modern gift is wood… which if you’re following along was the traditional five year anniversary gift.

“The youthful appeal of candy is a hint at the sweetness of your days of dating and a reminder to continue carrying that into your marriage.”

“While iron, with all of its strength, attests to the rock-solid marriage that you have built.” 


Traditional: Candy

I don’t think you should put all your eggs in the traditional candy basket… why? Because this is a gift that will be consumed… and would be a nice compliment to your traditional iron gift, here are some more affordable candy options to add to your iron gifts.

Local Candy Shop: We have a lot of delicious local chocolatiers in the Cleveland area, so for us finding a candy option while supporting local won’t be hard! Most places offer shipping if they’re a little out of your area. Even if you’re not local but want to check out our spot, Sweet Designs Chocolatier provides shipping! Another idea is finding a local candy shop that you’ve vacationed to before and getting that shipped as a fun reminder from a trip while still doing something personal.

Another really unique chocolate place that provides shipping is Compartés in Los Angeles, which was also featured on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for any of my housewives/bravo lovers out there. Their chocolate looks incredible and is definitely unique and sure to make a statement!

Custom Candies: Although I love and try to support small business, you can always go the big corp route and get custom M&Ms, they have a lot of really fun and semi-affordable options in their anniversary section. I love the champagne bottle filled with custom M&Ms, I don’t think I would want to open it though and just keep as decor!

Candy for Sixth Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Traditional: Iron

If you are a reader of my anniversary gift guides, you know I love going to Etsy for unique gifts, while also supporting small businesses. When sourcing traditional iron gifts, it seemed to get pretty repetitive quick with a narrow selection, so here are my top favorite ideas.

Engraved Horseshoe: This small business, Lucky American Designs, located in Florida has a lot of great customizable iron gift options, but I love the horseshoe specifically for the sixth anniversary the most, especially for the $30 price point, you can’t beat that. I also realize horseshoes are probably not everyone’s taste… I have always had a horseshoe in my window (for no specific reason), but they’re supposed to be U shape up in order to bring good luck in. They also have copper and bronze options for other anniversary milestones!

Golf Club Irons: If your spouse is a golfer like mine, something iron related with golf clubs is a fun options, but can add up quick if you’re actually buying new irons. BUT, there are some other fun spins on this like an iron head bottle opener, a clock made out of iron heads, or even a coat/hat hook made with irons!

Iron Working Class: Another idea that is interactive and an experience (which B and I love to do instead of physical gifts from time to time) is finding an iron working class nearby, this also supports a local small business! We were able to find a few in our area, but they aren’t booking out into the fall yet, so I’ll be keeping an eye out. If you find one that isn’t too far, you could make more of a day date out of it too!

Cast Iron Skillet: Another fun and useful gift is getting a cast iron skillet to commemorate your 6th wedding anniversary! These can be a bit expensive, especially for a good one, but are so awesome to cook with and only get better as you continue to season and cook with them. I’ve sourced two brands that are both made in the USA: Lancaster Cast Iron and Stargazer.

Iron gift options for sixth wedding anniversary

If you’re looking to do something different, custom, or an experience — here is your friendly reminder to plan ahead!! Custom orders take a little extra time, so depending on when your anniversary is plan for at least a month if not more to get those ordered. Our anniversary is in November, just when holiday shopping hits, so planning ahead helps on the wallet and avoiding delays.

Cheers to Six Wedded Years & Happy Shopping! 🥂

Celebrating a different anniversary milestone? Read Bee Life Blog’s Two Year Gift GuideThree Year Gift Guide, Fourth Year Gift Guide & Fifth Year Gift Guide.

2022 Reflections

2022 was a weird year. When I was first asked a word to describe it ‘subpar’ was my response – ironically that was B’s word too… at least we’re on the same page. 🙃

This past year everyone was right back into it, whereas in 2021 people still seemed to hesitate in regards to the virus, 2022 was like all bets were off. It also felt like a lot of our core people in 2020 and 2021 had a lot of other plans and we weren’t a part of them… which was proven as I was sorting through pictures trying to find highlights from each month, that is totally fine, but it just felt a little lonelier and a conversation B and I both had and noticed throughout the course of the year. Not the worst thing, just something we noticed – and that’s just part of life.

We were lucky enough to take a few trips from Palm Springs in March to a getaway at the Cabin in the Woods x2 to Miami and even Colonial Williamsburg — I even made my way to St. Louis at the end of January! We definitely had many new adventures together, which is something I always love and cherish. In addition to our travels, we made and did our own little Summer bucket list which mostly consisted of dining out around our city at places we’ve never been or haven’t been in forever. B and I also enjoyed a lot of charcuterie boards, sushi nights, and evenings on our patio at home watching TV and playing Yahtzee. Another highlight for 2022 was that B and I attended our first and our second concerts in our 11 years together! What concerts you may ask? Elton John and Lady Gaga… pretty epic.

Another monumental highlight of 2022 was we finished our kitchen renovation! We finished in April and have been loving it ever since, we’ve hosted a few times and of course, had our own dance parties and cooking nights to ourselves. Our dining nook is also a new spot for us to sit and enjoy dinner together and recount our days and talk about the latest — even though we spend most of them together!

This year also involved a lot of personal growth, a lot of blah, and of course some stress — I found my voice in areas of my life that it (if you can believe it) hasn’t been so loud. I’m not completely sure what 2023 has to hold, I have a few things in mind, but for some reason, this year seems more unknown and eerie than others, but not necessarily in a good or bad way. Maybe this is just how life is for a while? Mediocre?

So long, 2022 – let’s see what 2023 is all about!

Merry Christmas – 2022

Merry Christmas from our new kitchen! Last Christmas we had a big open room, and now we have a beautiful space that we can cook in, decorate and just live in.

This Christmas season has reminded us that as much as you have planned, life and God sometimes have other plans for you that are beyond your control. Some of those things are sad, some of those things are annoying and sometimes those things can be good! And sometimes, those things remind us to slow down, hug a little longer, and relax.

As 2022 wraps up, I hope you can soak in a little more Christmas magic and that these last few days are relaxing, productive, and fulfilling to end the year on a good note.

From B, Moz & Me – Merry Christmas!

Five Year Wedding Anniversary Gift Guide

Is year five like the first mini-milestone when it comes to wedding anniversaries? I think it might be! This year’s themes are fun and offer a bit more creativity than year four – although, I will say we knocked year four-anniversary gifts out of the park with our Cafe Appliances in our kitchen remodel, the timing just happened to be perfect for us! But let’s talk about year five wedding anniversary gifts; the traditional gift is wood and the modern gift is silverware… but I might challenge that to be goldware!

“Your roots have sprouted much like a tree by your fifth anniversary, so together you can endure anything.”

“All the meals you’ve enjoyed together and will continue to share are best commemorated with beautiful silverware.”

The Knot

Traditional: Wood

We always love going the traditional route whenever possible – and this one feels like it could be easy with endless options, but when that is the case, I always like to try to make it a little more special or unique to us! OK, so it’s no secret if you’ve read my previous wedding anniversary gift guides that I love to head to Etsy. There are plenty of wooden themed gift options that offer personalization – here are a few I found and why I love them.

Apple Ornament Box: This is super simple and I love the play on “love you to the core” it’s such a sweet and symbolic jester that can remain as a reminder even after the fifth anniversary – plus this one opens and you can include a sweet memory, better yet, it could be used on a weekly or monthly basis to exchange sweet messages to each other after the anniversary.

Jenga Memories: I hate playing Jenga, because it gives me anxiety but I also love this idea because it’s a unique and personalize way to document 5-year milestones. Instead of doing the engraved route, buying a Jenga set is another way and as a gift, combination anniversary activity you and your sig-o could take turns and write memories, moments or milestones on your Jenga set. This could be PG or R rated even. 😏

Shop these Etsy Gifts: Apple Keepsake, Personalized Jenga, Engraved Hammer, Wooden Kitchen Utensils

Engraved Hammer: Of course, I love this because B and I are no strangers to home projects and building a life and home together. Plus, this can be a useful tool or used more as a decorative piece or have as the inside hammer.

Handcrafted Wooden Utensils: Since our kitchen remodel, we’ve been wanting and looking for new utensils — and can’t quite find something that fits. Not only is this set handcrafted in Seattle, WA., but the finish and set is beautiful, I also can’t help but think of the wooden utensils I had growing up and how sturdy they were.

Other ideas include custom ornaments, charcuterie boards, engraved signs, plaques, trays, or picture frames – if you’re going the traditional route you have plenty of options to make it special!

Modern: Silverware

Like most, you may have had this on your wedding registry – maybe your taste has changed in the last 5-years? Maybe it hasn’t, but you want to add a little flair to your silverware game. This is the perfect excuse, to add, grow or change it up completely. We got brass silverware for our wedding, but didn’t use it unless it was a special occasion, since our kitchen upgrade it’s become our go-to, I just wish I had more of it! Here are a few things to consider if you’re going the silverware route to celebrate year five:

Price Point: How much do you want to spend? This is obviously all with what you’re comfortable with. But consider a few things if you’re in love with something but not the price.

Ask yourself: How many times did you get new silverware growing up? (never) Does your current set match? Or is it hand-me-downs? (we had mix-match & hand-me-downs).

Pro-Tip: Don’t be fooled by the price point and how many pieces you get, for the price you may feel like you should be getting a whole set, when in actuality you’re only getting one place setting!

How Many Pieces? For our wedding, we were equipped with 8 tables settings for our bronze flatware – which always seemed like plenty. Since our kitchen renovation, and dishwasher life we quickly run out of our nice flatware! Also, another way I like to gauge quantity is imagining the biggest group of immediate family or closest group of friends if they were all to come over for dinner – how many pieces would you need? We would need around 12 – aka – we need more!

Shop The Pieces Above: Floral Hand Set, Square Brass Set, Vintage Silver Set, Modern Brass Set

Handles & Finishes: Not sure if this is something that bothers you… but fat or square handles can be a little bulky in your hand while you’re eating! So if you like your current style or size, keep that in mind when you’re shopping. I have small hands – but obviously I’m not the only one who uses them, so if possible try to test out some different options in store if you’re looking to make a big change. Finishes can go hand in hand with cleaning and care or your general style, try to go for something classic since this is can be an expensive and not a piece that is typically changed up.

Cleaning & Care: If you like having the ability to use your dishwasher as much as possible, it’s important to make sure you’re picking out dishwasher friendly pieces. However, if you’re looking for more of a statement, special occasion option like silver – know that you’ll have to do some hand washing and care! Always read reviews whenever they’re available.

Happy Fifth Wedding Anniversary and Happy Shopping!

Celebrating a different anniversary milestone? Read my Two Year Gift Guide, Three Year Gift Guide & Four Year Gift Guide.

32 (Belated) Birthday Reflections

I had full intentions of getting this post up on my birthday, 11 days ago – but I embraced our desert vacay and shut off from all personal and professional work (at least 95% of it!).

And it felt so good.

One resounding reflection I had during my birthday week and over our Palm Springs vacay was just how necessary a trip like that is, for everyone – and just how good for the soul it is. And as much as I’ve always tried to do more that is good for the soul, it wasn’t until I was sitting poolside without a care in the world that I realized this was the ultimate good for the soul moment.

This past year I feel like I’ve made leaps and bounds in prioritizing my anxiety, mental and physical health – and I’ve noticed the resounding change in just feeling better. Although trust me, there are still plenty of weak and challenging moments – I know my anxiety is always looming in the shadows. Perfect example, on our travel home from our super relaxing and perfect trip – we had a layover, the airport was packed with people and I was instantly overcome with chest pain and anxiety which stayed with me for the rest of our travel and even into the next day being home. The switch flipped from vacay back to reality and my anxiety was right there to welcome me home.

But as I reflect on all those good moments from the vacay week, I just felt so content on my birthday and looking ahead. I want to continue riding the 2022 wave, do things we want to do, not be afraid, and start living life again – and continue to choose and prioritize those good for the soul moments. I also want to not be afraid to share my voice, opinions, grow confidence in myself, the decisions I make – and honestly stop caring so much what other people think (it’s really hard!). I hope 32 brings on lots of hosting in our new kitchen, slow moments and soaking life in. ☀️🌴🍹

To be able to spend a week in paradise with B, my person, was simply incredible. I felt beyond blessed, grateful and was so spoiled all week and had the best time taking a break from life, kitchen renovations, and the last 2-years.

Book the trip, rent the mustang, and order another cocktail. Here’s to 32! 💜🎉

My 2022 Goals

I’ll have to admit, the start of the new year did not have me excited. There was nothing ‘new’ to look forward to, and I was feeling less than motivated about making goals for the new year. My IG caption for NYE was; “Hey 2022, we have no expectations for you!” – and that has been widely true after the last two letdowns, I feel like it’s the safe bet. Not to mention, we got hit with the Rona the first week of January, soooo our month has been widely focused on that and taking care of our health.

In my 2021 recap, which was also a bit delayed, I reflected on a lot of the positives that did come with the year, which honestly can be summed up in my goal successes from this past year.

Goal Successes: I paid off my student loans and way ahead of schedule might I add (like 10-months ahead of schedule), which was such a great accomplishment and huge relief. I continued to invest in myself and started therapy, went to a lot of doctor’s appointments to figure out what was wrong with me, which resulted in a completely changed my diet/lifestyle, and eating better food.

Typically, I liked to share in detail my goals for the year – but I’m not going to do that this year. Instead, I’m going to still write them down in my notebook and work on conquering them this new year. It’s a lot of the same honestly, with a few more specific ones but I’ll continue putting my mental and physical health first (through food, exercise, self-care, making me a priority), take trips for B and me, save more money, continue to work on my anxiety and build boundaries.

I will say, I do firmly believe in making goals, setting intentions, and making priorities for yourself. They help you adjust and prioritize, reel yourself in, or push yourself more. I actually already accomplished one of my 2022 goals… so I’m hoping that will be a bit more liberating and help me continue to do more things that I want to do with B.

Here is too minimal expectations, letting our hair down, and having some fun this year!

Bee’s 2021 Recap

Bear with me, I was really hoping to get this up pre-2022, but alas, I had a lot of mixed feelings about 2021 when it came to writing this recap and a lot of mixed feelings with the new year coming. So I think I’ll keep it short and sweet.

2021 was sort of worse than 2020. Does anyone else agree? 2021 started off with a lot of loss. Most of it was expected, but there was one that wasn’t and it hit and hurt hard and still does. 2021 also brought on loss, not so much in the physical sense but relationship sense too – it’s hard to describe, but losing family can be one of a relationship even though they’re still physically on this earth. But there is also some healing in coming up with that resolution… as I said, 2021 brings on some dark feelings. Scroll for some positive.

As I was pushing myself this past week to not focus on the negative of 2021 – I did realize that there were definitely a few achievements and highlights even if they felt few and far between. My biggest I think was my gut health journey and lifestyle change for the better. Kicking off nearly 25-30lbs off of my body and completely changing my knowledge, learning about my body, seeing what works and what truly doesn’t work for my body from a food perspective has been life-changing – especially when I break away from it.

Other highlights included; celebrating miracle Mav, learning and connecting more with good friends and family, getting over grudges, learning to trust a bit better, getting on an airplane yet again in the midst of a pandemic, actually starting our kitchen renovation, not being afraid to use my voice in the moment and in tougher situations, creating boundaries and saying no.

So 2022, I’m trying not to have any expectations for you – not even finishing out kitchen, because the last few years bring on false hope and I’m honestly over it. So whatever you got 2022, let’s go.