TBT – #CoakleyEverAfter

This Throwback Thursday is all about my bestie, and the day she married Travis.  As their first anniversary quickly approaches (this Sunday!) I wanted to take a walk down memory lane and share some pictures that weren’t shared last year on #CoakleyEverAfter – Part 1 and #CoakleyEverAfter – Part 2! All the events leading up to the big day, were amazing from the bridal shower to the bachelorette party, to weekends planning and prepping centerpieces.  And then the wedding, it was so beautiful and perfect, because it was my best friend’s wedding.  I’m so lucky to have been so involved and closely by Katie’s side the whole day! I can’t wait for her to do the same on my wedding.
tbt - coakleyeverafter - the bee life
Happy first Anniversary Katie & Travis!

Some photos included are by: Iburi Photography


Today is one of the best days… EVER! Yes, EVER!


Because it’s the day my very best friend came to being on this earth – a moment that has affected sooo many lives in the most amazing ways.FullSizeRender
Although she is 7-months younger than me, Katie has always seemed like the adult in our friendship, I’ve always looked up to her for advice and guidance on life.  And we’ve also been fortunate to be in similar paths in life.  Serious boyfriends, then living together boyfriends, jobs, houses, fiances, dogs, weddings…

Katie is someone I can completely be myself around, my dorky, goofy, and sometimes not so cute-self.  She has seen me in good times and bad and she’s known me in lots of different stages and parts of my life.
Happy Birthday Bestie, MOH<3 I love you!


My MOH Proposal

This past week, I finally popped the question to my BFF, Katie, if she would be my MOH!! Now this is probably no surprise to any (especially if you’ve kept up with my MOH journey for Katie’s wedding).  I don’t think it was a surprise to Katie either, since we’ve had a lot of chats about it throughout her wedding festivities and ever since I’ve been engaged. So knowing all of this, and knowing that I am 260 miles away from Katie on a regular basis, I wanted to surprise her!  So after racking my brain away on exactly how to do it, I came up with…. I would send her gold letter balloons spelling out “MOH?” (each in a different box, labeled) with a card, and then a champagne flute and champagne with some other goodies in a basket.

Well finding golden balloon letters was a bit of a challenge, especially the question mark. And I wasn’t trying to spend a fortune, so I ordered the MOH from amazon and the question mark from etsy… it was a bit of a process. I finally got the balloons in the mail, I had ordered the 40″ letters instead of 16″ – thinking the 16″ would be too small… well the 40″ were gigantic (a lot larger than my mind had scaled them to be, oops!) So the box option got shot out of the window, because the boxes would’ve been ginormous.

Back to the drawing board for the surprise.

Luckily my mom was in town the other weekend when I’d received the balloons, I schemed with her to see if she could (1) get the balloons blown up and (2) coordinate with Katie’s mom to get the balloons in Katie’s house during the day. She could take the balloons and card back home and help me put everything into place.

The plan was back on.

Since a few of the other details didn’t arrive in time and the box thing go thrown off, I had to (I say had too, because if you know me, things need to be over the top) send along some roses with the balloons. I had already ordered the card way ahead of time since it was a pinterest find ages ago. It was perfect. Not to mention I was able to pick out a gold envelope that would match perfectly with the gold balloons.

So this past Wednesday, my Mom and Lori got the balloons into Katie’s house and all set-up in the dinning room (and yes the balloons fit in my moms car), sending me pictures along the way.  It was perfect, oh and the balloons were still HUGE.  Hehe. So once things got set-up, I waited. I got a call around 5:30 from Katie telling me she had these massive balloons in her house that just about scared the crap out of her… and that of course she would be my MOH. 
IMG_4987She said, Yes!!

I can’t wait to have Katie help me along the way and share in these special moments, like I got to share in with all of hers.  I have a MOH! The distance was tough during Katie’s wedding, but it’s these moments that it’s especially tough and I wish I could’ve just drove to her house (in a timely matter).  But this just means we will have to plan a few more weekends that normal together!
IMG_5008IMG_5010It was fun surprising Katie from 260 miles away.  I can’t wait to see her in person and give her a gigantic hug and part 2 of the MOH proposal!



#CoakleyEverAfter – Part 2

Ready for Part 2?!

Katie was one of the most beautiful brides. Her dress was perfection and she was glowing. We made our way to the venue after everyone got ready at the hotel, the rain was starting to pick up on and off as we got to the venue, so came the decision of keeping the ceremony outside or setting up inside just in case. It was touch and go for awhile, and it got set-up inside just in case. About 15-minutes before the start of the ceremony, Katie decided to make it happen outside. The venue was beyond accommodating and made it happen, sprinting to clean off the wet chairs and getting everyone from inside to the outside location.  After all, her vision for the last year+ was having an outdoor wedding, and it was going to happen, rain or shine!

Katie and Travis wrote their own vows, which were very sweet and touching, in fact that was one of my favorite parts – it was truly personal and unique to them and their relationship. And the rain held off! Woo!!

From the ceremony we went and took pictures while the rest of the guests enjoyed a cocktail hour before the festivities got started around 7.  We were announced and quickly got into the speeches, Katie’s dad spoke, then the best man, and then myself. I was surprisingly so nervous, like shaking nervous! I think it was the setting, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I was told it sounded great! Phew.

After dinner, was the cake cutting, first dances, and then real dancing! It was such a fun night, and like I mentioned before completely surreal to see Katie and Travis married, yet so awesome because they’re completely meant to be. My family was at the wedding too, so it was great to hang out with them, and B once all my official duties were finished (although they never seemed to be, we had to get Katie ready with a new up-do after all the key moments).  There was also a photo-booth, which is always fun to take a few photos with everyone. Enjoy some of my favorite pictures from the night!

The night was just perfect mainly because it was Katie’s wedding. I can’t wait to see her professional photos from the day, not to mention her photographers were awesome. We helped shut the place down and clean up. By the time we got back to my parents it was probably 2AM. It was strange saying bye to Katie with no future plans in hand like we’ve had for the last few months, which I’ve truly enjoyed. But I know we will be seeing each other soon. Hopefully they’ve landed safely for their honeymoon!

Cheers to the bride + groom!



#CoakleyEverAfter – Part 1

The festivities for Katie & Travis’ big day started Thursday night, when Katie, Jodi and I met up for manicures to get our fingernails in tip-top shape for the big day, a wedding must in my opinion if you’re in the wedding party! The entire long weekend was really surreal to the fact that is was actually Katie’s wedding. I’m not sure if it’s because we’ve known each other for so long and have gone through so much, or what? But I kept having moments of disbelief, yet being extremely happy and emotional through the whole thing!

Friday was the rehearsal, which went as most rehearsal’s go, a little chaotic but smooth at the same time,  working out the kinks and asking all of the questions.  From the venue, we headed out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a nice dinner, especially when it came time for the presents – because the thought that was put into them by Katie and Travis was overwhelming, especially for the parents, there were tears all around. She gave all us bridesmaids a bag of goodies, including our jewelry for the big day and she gave me a special bracelet that reads on the inside; “Today my Maid of Honor, forever my best friend ❤ 5.21.16” it is so perfect.

After the rehearsal, Katie and I headed to the hotel, to have one “final” girl’s night together before the big day! It was nice having some one on one time before the craziness of Saturday happened. She actually brought a notebook that I had made her all throughout high school and even early into college, it’s an old composition notebook that is filled with pictures, notes, stories, memories, stickers, from all of our fun times. It was pretty funny to look back on and read. We of course popped some bubbly and chatted more about “can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow” and Katie also finished writing out her vows. Not to mention the hotel cups were pretty funny.

Saturday, May 21, 2016. The big day! We both woke up pretty early, it got to the point where we were just sick of laying in bed, trying to fall back asleep. So after Katie rewrote her vows, we had a Backstreet Boys/N’Sync jam session (I highly recommend this on a daily basis). It was the fun little start to the day to help get the jitters out and have a carefree moment during the day. Then the morning started with a Starbucks run (of course) and over to the venue to set-up some of the centerpieces and last minute details before we needed to be back at the hotel for hair and make-up to begin at 10AM.

The day didn’t seem to go too fast, although Katie might object to that statement. We (me and her sister Jodi) had to make a few trips to get some last minute things that were forgotten or needed throughout the day and making sure everyone was on track and where they needed to be, transportation was ready, and even checking on the weather for the ceremony location, since the rain clouds were rolling in.

Come back for Part 2 – tomorrow!



Today marks 5-years with B.

5-years ago, I was a nervous wreck, yet so excited to go out on this date with this guy who I had hit it off with the weekend before on an advertising competition trip (nerdy, I know). We were meeting up after my night class and were going to grab a drink at a local spot near campus, yet not your typical college bar, it was called Corks (which is sadly no longer).  We met-up in the Communications building and walked down to Corks, we sat down and literally talked the night away, nonstop.  We had so many similarities growing up, it was crazy! We eventually ended up going to a different bar, because we realized we should probably grab some food, so we went to the Viking Tavern and got some chicken tenders, the talking and drinking continued, although still very casual and intently talking about everything. We then wound up at yet another campus bar, Becky’s and ended the night with some PBR’s.  I think we talked well into the wee hours of the morning, until we finally parted ways.  We made plans to go for an 8-mile run the next day since we were both training for a half-marathon. Yes not your typical second date. 247195_10150253120955692_5463259_n
And since that day, 5-years ago, it was pretty much the end to the beginning, we never looked back, we never questioned our relationship, it just was. B said in his proposal love letter to me that he knew that first weekend at the advertising competition that I was the one. I knew he was the one after our first date.

B has forever changed my life, and makes me a better version of myself each and every day – we challenge each other and we love each other and it’s the perfect balance and flow of us.  I’m excited to see what this next year will bring leading up to our wedding and next stage in our lives, he’s the best partner and teammate.12141595_10153635960645692_3058254985265414869_n
So here’s to the next five… fifteen….twenty… forty… forever years ahead of us.

MOH Duties – Let the Countdown Begin

A little over a year ago I was thrilled to be asked by my high school best friend to be her Maid of Honor (MOH)!  I was also a bit worried and nervous that being a few states apart would hinder my MOH game and participation with planning things.  It’s hard enough for me to find my own ME time, that adding in extra planning that’re hours away would be just as hard. Well it’s almost go time, so no more excuses. We are 4-months out from Kates & Travis’ big day, which means there is a whole lot of bachelorette and bridal shower planning to do!

First batter up: The Bridal Shower
The bridal shower is in March, and I am helping her mom with as much as I can (mostly decorations) and hopefully ordering some custom cookies from Snicklefritz Bakeshop. Here are a few of the  decoration ideas I’ve found that I’m going to adapt for Kates’ shower.

Main items needed: Centerpieces | Cute signage for gift table | Signage for desserts, mimosas bar, food | banners | balloons

Of course I am going to adapt and make a lot of these pieces myself – I always love a good DIY.  I’ll also be in charge of wrangling the other bridesmaids to make game prize gift baskets, luckily we will be splitting this up, so it shouldn’t be too painful *famous last words*

Next batter up: The Bachelorette Party
Now I am not one for all of the typical bridal fo-pah stuff, so luckily it’s not me getting married :-)… yet… luckily Kates isn’t really either, so planning a fun weekend getaway for her is more like hosting a party than buying penis straws, cramming into a tight short skirt and going out solely to get drunk.

Originally Kates wanted to keep this SUPER low-key and have a ‘girls night in’ at her own house, I pushed her to explore at least a mini weekend getaway in wine country – it looks like that might be the winner.  Now all we have to figure out is how many people, the house, the limo bus, invitations, the food, the cost, and the rest of the 500 other logistical things I am probably forgetting 🙂   Planning is kind of on hold until I get more deets from my girl, and then it’ll be full swing – this will be in early May so still coming up in the very near future…. as long as winter usually feels, I have a feeling this is going to go by quick!  Until then, I am doing my research and vetting out options along with gaining inspiration to make this a fun and memorable weekend for Kates.

Thank goodness for Pinterest and all the inspiration and great ideas I’ve been getting – it also helps me think of creative, low cost ideas to adapt to make these events super special for Kates!

Let the planning begin!


Weekend Update

WA day late. This past weekend was a busy one! But well rounded and full of people I love.  The weekend started with some PTO and hitting the road to Upstate NY.  Road-trip back home to see the parents/brother and go wedding dress shopping with my HS BFF – plus it was Father’s Day!

Friday night, Moz and I arrived to my parents ate some pizza, had some drinks and played some Yahtzee – I ended up beating my mom, which rarely happens!

Saturday morning, I went over to the bride-to-be’s house so that we could ride together to the first stop! This was my first time out wedding dress shopping, so I had no idea what to expect (except what I’ve seen on TLC’s Say Yes To the Dress). I thought that I was going to cry at every dress I saw Katie in, I only got teared up on one.  It was also Katie’s first time out dress shopping, so she had to figure out what she liked compared to what she thought she would like.  It was pretty intense! She brought 6 of us along too so there were a lot of opinions and voices to listen too! There were two contenders when we left the first appointment.  At the second appointment there was one that she loved, but as soon as she put on the next dress she knew it was her’s.  It’s absolutely beautiful, plus Katie’s sister and I might have picked it out. *smiles*  I was so glad to be apart of this day with Katie – the first of many before she gets married. We also got to chat a lot in the car and catch up, it felt like old times when we used to go all over the place together.

Saturday night, we got to enjoy a family dinner. My brother came over, so it was just the four of us, I can’t recall the last time that happened! Sunday was Father’s Day, so we started the morning with church and then brunch at a local diner in my hometown.  I had to go with the chocolate chip pancakes, one of my favorites!

After the drive back home; we got to celebrate little Moz’s 2nd birthday.  Of course with a mammoth cookie that she was beyond excited about.  Plus she got a few new squeaky toys! I can’t believe she is two already, she’s just so little. B and I love her to death.

It was a fun weekend, away. B stayed back home to do Father’s Day festivities with his family. This upcoming weekend we will be gone again, just wait till you see what we’re getting ourselves into… again.

MOH Duties

Last night, I literally dreamed my entire MOH speech for my best friend’s wedding… that by the way, isn’t until 2016. We have been texting and pinterest-ing wedding ideas back and forth since she asked me to be her MOH a few weeks ago. All of this wedding talk has got me thinking of all my other MOH duties.  Being that this is my first time as an appointed MOH, I decided to google and find out what exactly is expected of me, according to social standards. Luckily, based on The Knot’s detailed MOH description, nothing was really a surprise to me… but I can’t think it includes everything… does it?

Main Duties:

  • Lead the Bridesmaid Entourage
  • Dress Shopping!
  • Attend all Pre-Wedding parties
  • Plan Bachelorette party
  • Host/Co-Host Bridal Shower

On top of all the standard MOH duties, Katie lives back home in upstate NY, so I hope the distance won’t affect too much.  I’ve already made the decision that I’ll be traveling a little bit more on the weekends, especially as things start to pick up. Not to mention I need to get there within the next month, so we can officially celebrate the engagement and the MOH duties, since she asked me over FaceTime!

To all my fellow MOH’s out there, what are some tips you’ve learned after going through your MOH duties?

Thanks in advance!