
Today marks 5-years with B.

5-years ago, I was a nervous wreck, yet so excited to go out on this date with this guy who I had hit it off with the weekend before on an advertising competition trip (nerdy, I know). We were meeting up after my night class and were going to grab a drink at a local spot near campus, yet not your typical college bar, it was called Corks (which is sadly no longer).  We met-up in the Communications building and walked down to Corks, we sat down and literally talked the night away, nonstop.  We had so many similarities growing up, it was crazy! We eventually ended up going to a different bar, because we realized we should probably grab some food, so we went to the Viking Tavern and got some chicken tenders, the talking and drinking continued, although still very casual and intently talking about everything. We then wound up at yet another campus bar, Becky’s and ended the night with some PBR’s.  I think we talked well into the wee hours of the morning, until we finally parted ways.  We made plans to go for an 8-mile run the next day since we were both training for a half-marathon. Yes not your typical second date. 247195_10150253120955692_5463259_n
And since that day, 5-years ago, it was pretty much the end to the beginning, we never looked back, we never questioned our relationship, it just was. B said in his proposal love letter to me that he knew that first weekend at the advertising competition that I was the one. I knew he was the one after our first date.

B has forever changed my life, and makes me a better version of myself each and every day – we challenge each other and we love each other and it’s the perfect balance and flow of us.  I’m excited to see what this next year will bring leading up to our wedding and next stage in our lives, he’s the best partner and teammate.12141595_10153635960645692_3058254985265414869_n
So here’s to the next five… fifteen….twenty… forty… forever years ahead of us.

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